Tag Archives: stylistka

Key to my hand care (and the best DIY scrub ever)

Hello beautiful people.

I am so grateful for your visits here 🙂

Last night my over dried hands have called for some help and I remembered the best DIY hand scrub that I use and just have to share with you.

Christmas does not just happen, we do all the cleaning, cooking, present wrapping, running in and out in the cold, more cleaning, resting and forgetting to care for our hands, I am not alone here, am I?

Now it’s time to remember the hands and care for them.

So here it goes, most of you will have the ingredient at home, that is exactly what makes me love this scrub. I am all for simple recipe and gorgeous results ;))


All you need is:

bowl, spoon, cloth, olive oil, sugar and lemon


Mix a little bit of olive oil ( 2 tbs should be enough, I always used to use way too much and ended up with enough scrub to use all over my whole body, not a bad thing at times actually 😉 I wouldn’t use it on my face though) with sugar (the texture really depends on your liking so add slowly until you are happy with the paste and then add few drops of lemon and mix again.

Now indulge in massaging your hands for few minutes. After that I wet the cloth and put in the microwave for 30 seconds and then place it over my both hands for another minute or so (homemade sauna ;))

You may skip the last step if you have no time or just don’t feel like it, the result will be great too, I just love the whole process and the result. At the end I use the cloth to gently clean the remaining scrub off my hands (I feel like that really helps take all the dry skin off) and then wash them  under cold water (no soap).

Your hands will feel very moisturized already. When my hands are dry though (and that seems like always) I add whatever hand cream I use at the time to seal the deal.

Right now my favourite is this (YOPE, naturalny krem do rak, imbir, drzewo sandalowe ), gift from Santa (all the way from Poland).

and voila!

Hope you enjoy treating your hands to some softness.

Have a super day and a great week gorgeous.




key to her style – wardrobe audit

Today I am so thrilled to be sharing with you my recent wardrobe audit. I had a great pleasure to help one of my best friends with her style.

You all know I am a great believer in colour analysis and that is how I start all my style services. It is up to a client what she does with my advice but I must say up to now, all my clients really enjoyed the new knowledge and the guidance it gives them in areas of clothes, make up and hair.

First I share the theory with her and ask a lot of questions. Then we go into her wardrobe, pull EVERYTHING out and confront it with her skin tone guidance and make sure everything she has compliments her skin tone but also her body shape and her lifestyle.

I help her come up with new outfits, show her how to wear it; tuck a shirt in (and how), pin a sweater, roll up sleeves or trousers (and how much), add accessories (what type, where exactly to put a belt, how to tie it and wear it, what a difference a necklace can make (good and bad).   All these little pieces out together are for her to create a style that is exciting and consistent.

I advise on what does not compliment her style, body and skin as well. I never force a decision on anyone but it is my job to make sure I explain it well so that she is left with only pieces she actually loves and will wear.  I also advise on what to avoid in terms of colours, shapes, textures, patterns and anything else that is relevant so that she feels in charge of her newly updates style. I want all my clients to be excited about getting dressed and going shopping for themselves .





Dzisiaj mam niezwykłą przyjemność dzielić się z Wami efektami pracy nad stylem i szafą jednej z moich najlepszych przyjaciółek.

Jak wiecie, uwielbiam analizę kolorystyczną i to jak ułatwia pracę nad stylem, dlatego każde spotkanie z klientka zaczynam właśnie od odkrycia jej typu urody. Od klientki zależy czy będzie podążać za wskazówkami, które jej daje, ale muszę przyznać że każda z Pan, ż którymi pracowałam do tej pory cieszy się nowoodkryta wiedza i tym że ułatwia im nie tylko łączenie ubrać ale i dobor kosmetyków i dopasowanie koloru włosów.

Zaczynamy od teorii i od wielu pytań, które zadaje klientce, aby dopasować moje usługi do jej potrzeb. Wtedy zabieramy się do roboty, z szafy wyciągamy WSZYSTKO i ubranie po ubraniu analizujemy pod względem koloru, kroju, materiału  i stylu klientki.

Zwracam uwagę klientki również na to czego powinna unikać pod względem jej typu urody, budowy ciała i stylu. Nigdy nie zmuszam klientki do niczego ale moim zadaniem jest upewnienie się żeby jej szafa była wypełniona jedynie rzeczami które kocha i chce nosić. Wszystko to ma na celu doprowadzenie do sytuacji, w której będzie się czuła pewnie łącząc ubrania i robiąc zakupy samodzielnie.



warm or cool / cieply czy zimny ?

spring, autumn, summer or winter / wiosna, jesien, lato czy zima?

tuck the shirt in, one button open (every detail matters) / bluzka w spodnie, guziczek rozpiety (kazdy detal robi roznice)

show those legs off, balance the body out / odsłon nogi, stwórz zbalansowany zestaw

very subtle differance in colour can make a great differance in your appearance / malenka roznica w kolorze bluzki moze diametralnie zminic Twoj wyglad

when belt adds the cool but also does couple of magic tricks;), type of jacket and a way to wear it is important too / kiedy pasek jest fajnym dodatkiem ale rowzniez gra za magika ;), marynarka i sposob jej noszenia musi byc dobrany do sylwetki

black isn’t always slimming, fabric playa a great role too.  Sometimes an interesting patter and a cool accessory can be a better option. / Czarne nie zawsze wyszczupla, material ma również ogromne znaczenie. Czasem ciekawy wzór na bluzce i fajny wisior moga stworzyć bardziej interesujące połączenie.

trying it all on, piece by piece / wszystko trzeba przymierzyc i wyprobowac nowe polaczenia

evening make up (using only the colours complimenting to her skin tone ) / makijaz wieczorowy (kolory dobralysmy w zgodzie z typem urody)

almost there / juz prawie gotowe

viola! :))

Isn’t she lovely ?? (yes I am actully singing now :))) / Czyż ona nie piekna?


As per usual share your views guys, give me a shout if you’d like a little make over yourself. / Jak zwykle dajcie znac co myslicie, piszcie bezpośrednio jesli ktoras z Was ma ochote na mala metamorfoze?

PS- czy podoba Wam sie post po angielsku/polsku, łączony?






Key to rocking the trend -all red


Although colours are only one facet of a garments design, colour is usually the first thing to attract us to clothing. The more you know about colour and how it compliments your unique features, the more fun you can have with it (not to mention the obvious; the way you will blossom ;))

I have gone through high street shops for you ladies. As you may notice yourselves, red plays a great part this season and you can all rock it. True red is a colour that we can all wear well, no matter what skin tone.

This autumn, if you are feeling brave you can even go ‘red to toe’ and let it make you fell and look fabulous. However, if you are new to red and would rather start with a little sample of if you can do it by:

  • adding red earnings to otherwise neutral outfit,
  • adding slightly bigger accessory (or two) such as belt, shoes or a statement necklace,
  • popping  a red lip on (one of my personal favorite mood boosters ;)),
  • getting a red shirt and rocking it ass opposed to a white one at times,
  • wearing a little red dress (you cannot go wrong with getting one),
  • getting a red coat (only if that’s you and you know you will be able to wear it often).

If terms of wearing those pieces often, remember that they will be very memorable and wearing them day by day may not be an option, black or neutral coat for example may be a better investment and you can wear it daily.

To know how to add a touch of colour to otherwise natural or black outfit, I am inviting you to check out my post on ‘Key to wearing black’.

It is great staying on top of the trends but remember that they come and go and if you are investing in pieces, be sure to have their versatility in mind.

My personal opinion is that every woman should at least try a red lip, so I’d start there however if the colour is not new to you go brave, go big and rock it.

Here is a little photo gallery from my recent trip to the shops. As you see, there’s no way you’d miss the red 😉

Karren Millen



New Look

Dorothy Perkins

It is very interesting how shops suggest colour coordinating to us. Be aware of it and know your best way to wearing it. It is all driven by latest trends of course but on top of that I have noticed that the placement of the pieces created perfect colour combos for particular skin tones. You may get an inspiration if you are an autumn skin tone looking at the placement of the garments in Next (first three pictures), winter skin tone in Monsoon and Karren Millen or winter/summer skin tone in New Look.

I love getting inspired by watching it all but please remember to always have your own features in mind and do not let shop’s beautiful display stir you away from that.

Have an amazing day ladies.



Key to Fun In My Style

Hey my dearest. Hope you love what you are wearing as you are reading this. I hope you are wearing some of your faves and looking as amazing as you deserve. Would love to hear from you or maybe even see. Let me get inspired.

I had a pleasure to have some fun recently with JK Photography again, this time is was a studio photo shoot. I would lie is I said that I’m natural. Nothing further from the true. I have just discovered another area of my life full of room for improvement. Well, will have to be done right 😉

This was a great experience overall. I got to wear few of my new pieces and few almost vintage. I absolutely love mixing old with new. I had recent trends in mind with this one but also tried to stay true with myself and my style.




This is my faaaaaaave coat. I got it last year and everyone who knows me has probably seen me wearing it, all the time. You can probably see it’s been worn and I’m going to need to part with it at some stage but not yet. It looks good and makes me feel awesome so you’re staying buddy ;)) .

Jeans, we all have them right. At least I hope you do as this must be the easiest thing to wear with anything. Next time you shop for a pair, pay a little bit extra and buy the ones that compliment your body perfectly. You will be grateful. If you need advise on that, email me.

I added fishnet stockings under the jeans. Try it out this season and see if you like it. If you do, rock it, if you don’t, stop it.




Now this is what I call a treat. I have been wanting and needing a hat for a while now and now this is a new addition to my wardrobe. So versatile and I will be wearing is whenever the wind doesn’t blow with more than 15 m/h (anyone up North here with me knows what I’m saying ;))

That big shoulder top I am wearing was ‘a little’ out of my comfort zone but it spend way to long in my wardrobe and it was time. Perfect for a shoot. May work out couple of more things to pair it with. If I don’t within a month, it will need to find a new owner 😉




Poncho, so easy to wear or should I say through over your shoulders. I love this one for its colours and texture but it is missing a belt at times so I added a simple leather belt in black to keep it in place. I actually got this one at men’s department. I was so much easier to find a plain one made of great leather as opposed to going through all the multicoloured, fancy ones at ladies. Just like petite ladies can shop at kids department, we can all check out men’s wear sometimes (thinking shirts and jumpers here ;))



Now here’s an outfit I love but I have come to realization it is not perfect. Don’t take me wrong I am all for ‘as long as it makes you happy, wear it’ but I realized it doesn’t. That is why I am giving this skirt away. I love the ruffled top and it is staying but the skirt will be perfect for a lady with a defined waist. It is super comfortable and has pockets which I love but I will love it if it will serve someone else. If I get no response on this I will simply give it away to charity. We had a good run but it is time my dear ;)) (email me if you’d like it and im happy to give it to you).


As always please comment and share your thought about the post. Let me know what you bought recently and how you put together new and old. What are your absolute faves and how are you treating yourself this season.

Live your sparkle lovely ladies and until next time.

